Student Code of Conduct

Students will show Respect, Courtesy, and Consideration...
For the Studio by:

  • Cleaning up after themselves.

  • Limiting food and drink to the lobby.

  • Removing outside shoes before entering a studio and not wearing dance shoes outside.

  • Keeping belongings tidied and out of the walkways.

PASCP strives to maintain a healthy and sanitary environment. Please help us keep the facility clean. Students and parents should inform the front desk staff if there is a problem.

For teachers by:

  • Arriving 10 minutes before the class starts so as to start class on time.

  • Using the restroom prior to class.

  • Asking for permission from their teacher to leave the classroom.

  • Quietly entering the studio if late and waiting for the instructor's permission to join the class.

Students who arrive more than 15 minutes late will be asked to observe class, as it is harmful to jump into advanced exercises without proper warm-up. Chronic tardiness may be grounds for dismissal.

For the classwork by:

  • Keeping a clean, neat appearance in class and following the dress code when attending classes (see below). Girls must have hair neatly arranged in a tight bun. For those with short hair, it must be pulled back with clips. It is the student’s and parent's responsibility to have hair done and be dressed properly for every class; however, we will be glad to provide initial assistance/instruction at the start of each school year.

  • Leaving cell phones, smart watches, food, beverages, and chewing gum outside of the dance studio. Water bottles are permitted.

  • Refraining from talking while in class and raising their hand if they have a question.

  • Keeping the noise level in the hallways and lounge areas to a minimum.

  • Refraining from resting or hanging on the barres and sitting in class.