A beloved holiday tradition, Nittany Ballet’s The Nutcracker, will transport you to a magical world where life-sized toy soldiers fight giant mice, Snowflakes dance, and the Sugarplum welcomes a young girl, Clara, to the Nutcracker's Kingdom to meet the characters from the Land of the Sweets.
Paul Gibson, Nittany Ballet’s new Artistic Director and former Principal dancer with the Pacific Northwest Ballet, brings a magical and re-envisioned telling to this year’s production that is sure to delight and bring the holiday cheer.
December 14th at 7:00pm
December 15th at 2:00pm
Ticket Prices:
Student $25
Youth $25
Senior (55+) $30
Adult $36
Tickets may also be purchased in person at Eisenhower Auditorium (367 Shortlidge Road, University Park, PA 16802) or by phone (814-863‑0255).
Please note this important information from Eisenhower with regards to Parking:
Parking is $6 per vehicle when reserved in advance or $10 starting at midnight on the day of the performance. Reservations can be made through 10 a.m. the day of the performance or until reservations have sold out. Parking is assigned for a deck near the event and will be searchable by that event. License plate information entered at purchase must match the vehicle driven to campus on the reservation date. If a different vehicle must be driven, users must contact ParkMobile Member Support through the ParkMobile website or Park Mobile app (Settings -- Chat Support) to request a vehicle change for that reservation